Dança Frevo cultural events

Afro Brasil

Afro Brazilian Dance: Powerful and expressive. Instruments and rhythm, but also costumes and movements are based on African traditions. Movements that have their origins in Afro-Brazilian religions such as Candomblé are abstracted and renewed, creating a holistic dance training.


Forró is a couple dance from northeastern Brazil. The word forró comes from the term forrobodó, which refers to folk dances. Today, forró is a combination of rhythms such as the baião, the xote, the pé de serra and the forró de marcha. The baião emerged and spread domestically at the beginning of the 20th century, but only achieved national scope in the 1940s through the work of Luiz Gonzaga (1912-1989). During this decade, rhythm became one of the most important in the country, making the leap from local folklore to popular city music. In addition, Luiz Gonzaga defined the dominant instruments at this time: the accordion, the zabumba drum and the triangle - the Trio Nordestino. Forró can be danced in a very sensual way, depending on where it is danced in Brazil. The rhythm is full of variety and creates an atmosphere where people like to meet and have fun.

The course is open to singles and couples, whether young or old, woman or man - you are all welcome!


Frevo was declared an INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE by UNESCO in December 2012 - a sign of the high cultural value of dance! Probably the most characteristic Brazilian style of dance and music from northeastern Brazil, it is mainly played during carnival in the carnival cities of Recife and Olinda. The fast-paced dance is enriched with jumps and some figures from Capoeira, with the dancers waving a small dance umbrella (= sombrinha de frevo), which helps to keep the balance during daring jumps and gives the dance its happy and energetic character. 100 years ago, when the dance was born, the umbrellas were still big, old and black, only over time did they become a colorful accessory.

Samba de Gafieira

Samba de Gafieira is an elegant couple dance with elements of tango, danced to the dynamic Brazilian rhythm samba. Gafieira is usually danced in pairs, although in artistic performances it is not uncommon to add solo steps of samba no pé. The style originated while dancing the samba in cabarets in the neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro. The term gained recognition in the 1940s. Over time, the style changed significantly from the style of the 1940s. There was a significant influence of Argentine tango and many acrobatic elements were added.

The course is open to singles and couples, whether young or old, woman or man - you are all welcome!

Samba no Pé

Samba no Pé has its roots in Africa and was brought to Brazil and developed by African slaves who played and danced in sambas (gatherings) to express themselves. It is a solo dance that is often danced impromptu when samba music is played. People usually dance in groups and communicate with different samba steps instead of words.

Brazilian kids dance

Movement, play and making music together are the focus of this course. Children learn to consciously perceive their bodies and to express their emotions and personality. The creativity and musicality of the children is encouraged in a playful way - with live music, which brings the diversity of Brazilian music and its rhythms to life. Acrobatic elements and movements from dances such as FREVO, SAMBA and CAPOEIRA support the development of coordination skills and imagination and help to develop better concentration. The joint experience and discovery also strengthens social skills, as well as the self-confidence and joy of the children.

age 7+


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Carlos da Silva
Anja da Silva

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Simon Adrian



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