— events —

Dança Frevo cultural events

class schedule

Dancing on site

  • Address: Berlin Dance Institute | Egelingzeile 6 | 12103 Berlin

  • New customers please first register with your first and last name via WhatsApp (+49 1590 1882210).

room for Afro & Frevo
room for Afro & Frevo — © BDI
room for Forró & Samba
room for Forró & Samba — © BDI



Dancing online

    • You can take part in the online courses  as follows:
      1. Please contact us via WhatsApp (+49 1590 1882210) and tell us:
      - your first and last name
      - the day and course you want to attend

      Please do not send sms. If you don't have WhatsApp, please call me or send us an email in good time.

      2. Transfer the amount due according to the course fee regulation to the account below. The fees are per person.
      Account holder: A. da Silva + C. da Silva GbR
      IBAN: DE39 1004 0000 0577 2207 00
      Swift code (BIC): COBADEFFXXX or COBADEFF
      Bank: Commerzbank Berlin

      3. Computer/ Laptop:
      At least 15 minutes before the course starts you will receive the course link through WhatsApp and can participate. You don't need to install any software.
      Mobile Phone:
      Download the Google Meet app, open the link (you will receive it  at least 15 minutes before the course begins through WhatsApp) with the app and take part.


    new from Feb. 10th
    Brazilian Dances: Afro
    Carlos Frevo


    18.00 - 19.00
    Forró (beginners)
    Carlos Frevo
    19.00 - 20.00
    Forró (intermediate)
    Carlos Frevo
    20.15 - 21.15
    Samba de Gafieira (open level)
    Carlos Frevo


    18.00 - 19.00
    Samba no Pé (beginners)
    Carlos Frevo
    19.00 - 20.00
    Brazilian Dances: Afro
    Carlos Frevo
    20.15 - 21.15
    Brazilian Dances: Frevo
    Carlos Frevo


    18.00 - 19.00
    Samba de Gafieira (beginners)
    Carlos Frevo
    19.00 - 20.00
    Samba de Gafieira (open level)
    Carlos Frevo
    20.15 - 21.15
    Samba no Pé (intermediate)
    Carlos Frevo


    Samba no Pé (open level)
    Carlos Frevo

    Level: All  courses without level mentioned are open level.

    In the course Brazilian dances: Afro  the focus is on Afro-Brazilian dance, but other Brazilian dances are also taught.
    In the course Brazilian dances: Frevo focus is on Frevo, but other Brazilian dances are also taught.
    Couple dance courses: online also without a partner - the movements are learned individually

    course fees


    trial class
    normal & reduced

    10 €

    trial month
    normal / reduced

    115 € / 100 €*
    Test all courses for 30 days! No contract, flexible start date.

    normal / reduced

    130 € / 120 €*

    single class
    normal / reduced

    15 € / 14 €*


    normal / reduced

    normal / reduced

    1x week

    47 € / 42 €*

    43 € / 39 €*

    2x week

    75 € / 65 €*

    68 € / 59 €*

    3x week


    94 € / 81 €*

    110 € / 94 €*

    85 € / 74 €*

    104 € / 87 €*

    * Discount for pupils, apprentices, students, unemployed and social welfare recipients with proof.
    Alle prices valid from 01.01.2025. Inkl. 19% VAT.

    On site only cash. Or bank transfer in advance.


    private classes

    Carlos Frevo is giving private classes in Forró, Samba no Pé, Samba de Gafieira, Coco, Afro Brasil, Maracatu and Frevo. 

    In a one-on-one class, Carlos has the opportunity to work with the student individually and focus on the person's needs and abilities in order to help the student learn and further develop his dancing skills.

    We offer one-time private lessons or discounted packages. If interested, feel free to contact us!

    dance offers for companies

    team building

    Would you like to motivate your employees with a Brazilian dance class with the professional dancer Carlos Frevo? Dancing makes  happy, healthy and strengthens the community. You can choose from a variety of Brazilian dance styles so that your employees can immerse themselves for a moment in the world of Brazilian joie de vivre.

    company party / conferences

    Are you looking for a Brazilian dance class to lighten your company party or conference? From short dance animations to dance workshops, we have everything to offer. We are happy to assist you in choosing the most suitable dance style for your company.

    Or would you like to impress your employees with a Brazilian dance show? Our artistic director, Carlos Frevo, is happy to put together a program for you.

    Christmas party

    Are you looking for a Brazilian dance class to lighten your Christmas party? From short dance animations to dance workshops, we have everything to offer. We are happy to assist you in choosing the most suitable dance style for your company.

    Or would you like to impress your employees with a Brazilian dance show? Our artistic director, Carlos Frevo, is happy to put together a program for you.

    upon request, individually
    Make an appointment today for your non-binding consultation - because satisfied and motivated employees benefit every company in the long term.


    Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

    Anja da Silva und Carlos da Silva GbR
    Tempelhofer Damm 201
    12099 Berlin

    Vertreten durch:
    Carlos da Silva
    Anja da Silva

    Tax number:
    Finanzamt Tempelhof


    Webdesign und -code:

    Simon Adrian



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